Case Study - Leenith Borges
Leenith Borges is a popular paint artist in Mexico, based in Monterrey, NL. she sells her courses online.
- Industry
- Art & Painting
- Year
- Service
- E-commerce
Replace and existing website by translating a Figma design to a web application using ReactJS, Bootstrap and Sass for the Front-End, Firebase for the Back-End, Mailchimp to send emails to users, and Hotmart as the payment processing system.
Master Admin should be able to create new courses for users.
Master Admin should be able to see sell orders in the dashboard.
Master Admin should be able to add/delete courses from any user.
Users should be able to authenticate themselves.
Send Emails on signup, on new course releases, and whenever a user buys a course.
High level architecture of the application.
Leenith Borges's website is mainly powered by Firebase. The website is hosted on Firebase Hosting, the database is on Firestore, and the authentication system is on Firebase Auth.
The system's logic such as creating new courses, deleting courses, and seeing sell orders is handled by Firebase Cloud Functions.
All of the mailing is handled by Mailchimp, which is integrated inside Firebase Cloud Functions.